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Students and Youth Retreat

The youth are organizing a retreat in Meramec State Park, Missouri to take place June 29 to July 1.

Highlights include:

* Inspiring programs collectively led, centering around the heart of Ananda Marga ideology: cosmic fraternity, universal love and divine inspiration.

* Nature walks and hiking through the beautiful Meramec St Park

* A mini-concert led by Nirmal and his team of RAWA artists, straight off the Kundalinii Express!

* Kiirtan, kiirtan, and more kiirtan!

The youth are organizing a retreat in Meramec State Park, Missouri to take place June 29 to July 1.

Highlights include:

* Inspiring programs collectively led, centering around the heart of Ananda Marga ideology: cosmic fraternity, universal love and divine inspiration.

* Nature walks and hiking through the beautiful Meramec St Park

* A mini-concert led by Nirmal and his team of RAWA artists, straight off the Kundalinii Express!

* Kiirtan, kiirtan, and more kiirtan!

* SATSAUNG! The opportunity to meet and unite with universally-minded, youthful margiis from all across the world!

Price, including accomodations, food, programs, etc. is $120

But don’t let price stop you. If you have any questions talk to Amal at