According to PROUT, the aim of education is:
Sa? vidya? ya? vimuktaye
“Education is that which liberates.”
The real meaning of education is trilateral development – simultaneous development in the physical, mental and spiritual realms of human existence. This development should enhance the integration of the human personality. By this, dormant human potentialities will be awakened and put to proper use. Educated are those who have learnt much, remembered much and made use of their learning in practical life.
According to PROUT, the aim of education is:
Sa? vidya? ya? vimuktaye
“Education is that which liberates.”
The real meaning of education is trilateral development – simultaneous development in the physical, mental and spiritual realms of human existence. This development should enhance the integration of the human personality. By this, dormant human potentialities will be awakened and put to proper use. Educated are those who have learnt much, remembered much and made use of their learning in practical life.
In PROUT’s educational system, emphasis should be given to moral education and the inculcation of idealism – not only philosophy and traditions. The practice of morality should be the most important subject in the syllabus at all levels.
The sense of universalism should also be awakened in the child. Etiquette and refined behaviour are not enough. Real education leads to a pervasive sense of love and compassion for all creation.
As I have mentioned before, the word E-D-U-C-A-T-I-O-N itself has special significance:
E – Enlargement of mind
D – DESMEP (D Discipline, E Etiquette, S Smartness, M Memory, E English, P Pronunciation)
U – Universal Outlook
C – Character
A – Active habits
T – Trustworthiness
I – Ideation of the Great
O – Omniscient grace
N – Nice temperament
Special importance should be attached to children’s education because todays child is tomorrows citizen. The receptive capacity of a child is great, but to enhance the receptivity the method of education should be thoroughly psychological.
From the beginning, children in India can be taught three languages – their mother tongue or natural language, basic Sam?skrta or the appropriate classical language, and the world language. Students should be encouraged to learn the history of their respective mother tongues. By learning the world language, students will develop a feeling of world citizenship in their minds.
According to the policy of PROUT, besides the mother tongue, students can also learn as many languages as possible. Let people know as many languages as they can. But in the practical field – government and non-government work and court work – the mother tongue should be used.
During secondary education, (in Indian this is years 8, 9 and 10), vocational education should be introduced according to the natural tendency and spontaneous aptitude of the students. Talented students should be provided with special facilities if they are poor. After higher education, students with talent should get the opportunity to do research work with the financial aid of the government.
The examination system should undergo a radical change so that the knowledge of the student both in the applied and theoretical sides can be properly assessed. Students should be encouraged to involve themselves in social welfare and other constructive activities within their school or campus. After completing their education, students should be guaranteed appropriate employment.
Proper care should be taken in the selection of teachers. Academic certificates are not the only criteria for selecting teachers. Qualities like a strong character, righteousness, social service, selflessness, an inspirational personality, and leadership ability should be evident in teachers. Teachers should get the highest respect in society and their economic needs should be properly looked after.
The framing of educational policies, the control of the educational system, and all other activities concerned with education should be managed by a board comprised of efficient teachers. This board should enjoy full freedom and authority to carry out its duties. Education must be free from all political interference. Education should be free at all levels.
Should PROUT support the participation by students in the administration of educational institutions? Grown-up students, that is, adults, may take part in the non-academic side of administration. The academic side should be controlled and managed by educationists with the help and cooperation of grown-up students, just as grown-up children may help their parents a lot in managing family duties. The relation between students and teachers should be sweet.
Radio, television, films and other media must be free from exploitation and vested interests. Qualified professionals should utilize such media for the benefit of students to ensure high quality education.
The teaching of science must always be encouraged. The study and application of science will assist in the spread of knowledge and help to ensure that the right to knowledge in every sphere of life – social, economic, psychic and spiritual – is attained by all. Knowledge and science must be free like the light, the air and the unhindered wealth of nature. They must serve all and supply the vital juice of life.
April 1981, Calcutta