Our Proutist Raghava had reserved a booth for Food for All, where we had Ananda Marga books, Prout Journal, Prout Retreat flyers, Amurt magazines, and Meditation today. Thousands of people visited our booth. Tattvika Dhruva, Deviika, Ujjwala, Krnatma, Rudrani, Dada Shubhacetanananda, and Dada Vishvarupananda were helping people at the booth. Many people signed up for Prout retreat, Yoga Class, and Prout Study Circle. We met with several margiis who had lost contact with us. One Farmer who used to donate food to us also offered to continue his help to our organization.
Our Proutist Raghava had reserved a booth for Food for All, where we had Ananda Marga books, Prout Journal, Prout Retreat flyers, Amurt magazines, and Meditation today. Thousands of people visited our booth. Tattvika Dhruva, Deviika, Ujjwala, Krnatma, Rudrani, Dada Shubhacetanananda, and Dada Vishvarupananda were helping people at the booth. Many people signed up for Prout retreat, Yoga Class, and Prout Study Circle. We met with several margiis who had lost contact with us. One Farmer who used to donate food to us also offered to continue his help to our organization. Some people signed to be volunteers. There were many progressive organizations and speakers who were representing their organization to change the world. People were promoting vegetarianism, efficient energy, sustainable community building to save the Earth.