Dear brothers and sisters-namaskar
followings are a few prout good news received from different sectors.plesae do send your work done reprt and good news regularly
* A UPSF PROUT convention held on 27th January in which more than two hundred students participated in SAGAR, DIST. : SHIMOGA, KARNATAKA. Ac. Amritaksharananda Avt., PLO, Karnataka spoke on “PROUT IS ONLY WAY OUT TO PRESENT DAY CRISIS.” A day long discussion held on different aspects of PROUT to solve Socio-Economic problems.Outcome of the convention is as follows :
Dear brothers and sisters-namaskar
followings are a few prout good news received from different sectors.plesae do send your work done reprt and good news regularly
* A UPSF PROUT convention held on 27th January in which more than two hundred students participated in SAGAR, DIST. : SHIMOGA, KARNATAKA. Ac. Amritaksharananda Avt., PLO, Karnataka spoke on “PROUT IS ONLY WAY OUT TO PRESENT DAY CRISIS.” A day long discussion held on different aspects of PROUT to solve Socio-Economic problems.Outcome of the convention is as follows :
1. A UPSF Committee was formed.
2. Decision was taken to hold regular monthly meeting.
3. Study circle was created.
4. All participants whole heartly accepted to organize Prout symposiums, workshops and Prout training camps in future.
* A 3-day PTC four 6 to 8th April’07 was held at Anand-Kalakar- ASAN GAON Near- Mumbai. This was nicely organized by Mumbai proutists & DLO Dada.
* Around 45 proutists cadres took intensive training for how to propagate the Proutists Solution to the present Socio-Economic Crises through open meeting, door to door contact, pamphlating, leafleting, Press Conference etc.
* inspiring classes on economic democracy as an alternative to the the presentday socio-economic crisis of the world.
* The high light of the PTC was a Proutist (Pashu Se Manushya ) Drama presented by B.P. Mr. Lalit Parimu: a well known TV actor.
* Around 500 youths, intellectuals & villagers attended this cultural programme. 10 villages were covered by 500 pamphaleting& through loudspeaker. Also there was wide coverage by press & T.V. Media.
* Two BHOJPURI SAMAJ PROUTISTS Contested U.P. Assembly election-. Mr. Pravin Kr. from Gangapur and Radhe Shyam from Varanasi Cantt. Alongwith these candidates 50 Proutists cadres worked hard to propagate in both constituanties in 500 villeges a intensive pracar works of Proutists solution to the present Socio-Economic Crises like. increasing unemployment, corruption, criminalisation of society etc. It was done through open meetings, door to door contacts & 82300 pamphlating and leafleting.
* There was wide acceptance by local people to impress this proutistic Panacea. for the present Socio-Economic crises, which was widely by press conference. T.V. & other Medias.
* USA Social Form Proutists were invited to conduct workshop on Prout & were given opportunity to participate to the present Prount different forms. The Proutists give very good presentation of Prout Ideology age the only solution for the present Socio-Economic crisis in the world
* In the annual convention of Kisan Majdoor Sangh, Bhabhua SGPU was invited age chief guest who spoke on the important cooperative movement to liberate the farmers from the Socio-Economic Problems.
* Delhi Printing Press has been repaired and brought to Allahabad and four rooms premises has been constructed to accommodate the printing press and PROUT Office costing Rs. 1,50,000.00.
* A new book on Prout in Hindi is under print from Patna Printing Press. It will soon out within a week
* Prout Training Camp in Mumbai was organized very successfully in which 45 Prout cadres were given training and classes. And a drama name “Pasu se Manusya was staged by Mumbai Artists under the guidance of Lalit Parmu, Mumbai. 700 Villegers watched the drama.
* 58 Prout Candidates took parts in the local elections in Utkal Samaaj out of which 8 candidates own the seats of Sarpanch Mukhiya and Zilla Parisad.
* All India Samaaj Convension was held in Ranchi May’07 and Rally was also taken out in which more than 400 people participated.
* 5 Samaaj convention in of Eastern India were held in Katihaar.
* Banglore TRIO Office construction is completed costing 16,00,000.00 Rs.
* In Hong Kong Sector electronic New Letters subscribers has increased to 500 to 1000. Proutists of Taiwan launched a movement to restore the accommodation facilities of leprosy patient.
* Unicef and Japani’s Government has allocated fund for to provide the sanitation facilities for more than 20 schools in Muzambique, Africa under the guidance of CSPU Naorobi.
* Prout Research Institute conducted a workshop a cooperative the participants were very inspired with the Prout concept of cooperative 9 persons volunteers themselves to work for the cooperative movement in Venezuala. Prout Activists were invited in the conference organized the defence minister Venezuala in which out Proutists gave address the conference attended the 5,000.00 peoples. The importance of Prout was explained to solve to Socio-Economic problems of Venezuala.
* In Manila Samaj Movement is gathering momentum well organized by Arya Samaj Cadres.