Prout Research Institute of the U.S. has an on going project. At the moment 4 people are working to complete developed Proutist opinions and positions of advocacy for 6 pressing topics facing the U.S.
The topics include:
War in Iraq
Health care crisis
Debt crisis
Currency crisis
Alternative energy
Trade issues
Prout Research Institute of the U.S. has an on going project. At the moment 4 people are working to complete developed Proutist opinions and positions of advocacy for 6 pressing topics facing the U.S.
The topics include:
War in Iraq
Health care crisis
Debt crisis
Currency crisis
Alternative energy
Trade issues
Within the next few days talking points of the issues should be mostly complete. After some deliberation and feedback participants will augment the ideas and go into some detail to highlight important points while aiming to give a Proutist inspired rendition of the issues along with progressive solutions in line with Proutistic aspirations for society. The deadline for initial work to be complete will have passed by the end of the month. Although not all initial work will meet the initial deadlines because of the pressing schedules of several of the participants, the work of developing and researching talking points will be ready shortly for some form of feedback and presentation of the issues amongst the participants. When all the talking points are complete and after initial discussion amongst participants the time will be ripe to present them to a wider body of Proutists such as those on the PRI-USA list and others for further input and feedback before detailing and completing them. It is thought that the finished product of each topic will be discussed and positions of advocacy given in approximately 750 words or less. After completion and another round of review and feedback, perhaps, the finished product may be put in PDF format to be widely circulated for Prout pracar activities and, perhaps for an introductory brochure or pamphlet to be given to the general public and margiis. Who knows, we may be carried away and make a few hundred of the pamphlets in hard copy.