Medical Insurance through local solidarity chains
Thu, 11/29/2007 – 12:15 — dadavima
Medical Insurance through local solidarity chains
Thu, 11/29/2007 – 12:15 — dadavima
The experience of living in a rural area i the Northeastern Pennsylvania have brought me to envision a cooperative solution to the lack of affordable medical insurance. This is not a small problem and solutions may be different according to locations and situations. Nerveless there is the need to strength the solidarity present in the local community that manifest himself systematically at the time of emergency or dire need. Solidarity chains are materialized quickly when a member of the community need a special medical care. I have observed that they are effective and bring vitality to those who organize and participate in them.
Condition for a solidarity chain to be effective is that the members are in a close relationship. They feel the participation and they identify locally with the need that is going to be fulfilled. On the opposite certain types of solidarity chain that develop over the internet for example calling for help without the possibility of verification of the destination of financial resources collected are bound to failure. The strength of a local solidarity chain is given by the roots of the people in the community. As local people are normally related to the land for their live hood, they tend to be honest and trustworthy. In a local community where people know each other there is no chance for cheating, it is just not possible or you will have to pay the consequences of it that in most cases are meant to be the exclusion from the community.
The idea of a Medical Insurance based on a local solidarity chain is just a merge and integration of something that is already in place. It means that there is a need to rationalize and make efficient that chain of solidarity that happens to be created at the time of emergency. To explain further the way to establish a solidarity chain is to simulate the medical emergency and set up the system able to guarantee the fulfillment of the need independently from the time factor.
At this point let s the idea germinate and find its own ways to express and become reality.
Ac. Vimaleshananda Avt.
Medical Secretary – New York Sector