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Good News from India

Seminar of 2nd phase 2007 is complite with great zeal and inspiration. Maximum Margiis and workers sincerely made their all round effort to make it success. Hence, it is a part of sixteen points, it is our morale duty to organize and utilize this gift of beloved Baba for the upliftment of the human society. The one who knows its spirit and importance are the true devotee of Baba. In any case, we must not miss the opportunity to attend and take benefit from the seminars. I specially thank the trainers and organizers of the Seminars.

Seminar of 2nd phase 2007 is complite with great zeal and inspiration. Maximum Margiis and workers sincerely made their all round effort to make it success. Hence, it is a part of sixteen points, it is our morale duty to organize and utilize this gift of beloved Baba for the upliftment of the human society. The one who knows its spirit and importance are the true devotee of Baba. In any case, we must not miss the opportunity to attend and take benefit from the seminars. I specially thank the trainers and organizers of the Seminars.
We must follow up and help, all the below level seminars so that it can be organised to educate the mass.
“More Seminar, More Seminar and steel more Seminar”

In Ranchi region seminar was conducted in seven places.

1. Jamalpur
Date- 22, 23, 24 June
Trainer was Ac Sampurnananda Avt,
Attendance was 400,
Akhanda kiirtana, Prabhat Pheri were organized every day,
Media also gave coverage. Local paper Hindustan almost every day covered the news with colourful photographs.

2. Darabhanga
Date- 29, 30 June and 1st July
Trainer- Acarya Sampurnananda Avt
Attandance- 258
TV covered whole day programme.
Prabhat pheri, Akhand Kiirtan also organized every day.

3. Ara
Date 6, 7, 8 July
Trainer- Ac Vishvadevananda Avt(ES Central)
Attendance 150
Prabhat pheri, Akhand Kiirtan every day
Media covered the programme.

4. Durga
Date- 13, 14, 15 July
Trainer Ac Krpananda Avt
Attendance 60
Initiation- 3

5. Daltainganj
Date 13, 14, 15 June
Trainer Ac Raganugananda Avt
Attendance 100
Yoga programme in Ujjain, Devas, Sahjahpur jail
22 prisoners were initiated.
There was also a meeting in world spiritual center, Ujjain.

6. Shivapuri
Date- 29,30, 31 July
Trainer Ac Raganaugananda Avt
Attendance 65
Initiation 15
Meeting at world spiritual cener.

7. Jabalpur
Date 6,7,8 July
Trainer Ac Raganugananda Avt
Attendance 80
Meeing in Gurudwara, 150 attanded.
In children programme 400 hundred participated in Asanas training.
Media also covered the programme.
8 new people were Initiated
In a separate meeting 20 more new people got initiation.


1. Vrndavan
Date 29,30 June 1st July
Trainer- Ac Satyashrayananda Avt
Attendance- 96
Programme was Inaugreted by Jai prakash bhai(chairman of sarva samaj samiitee) and Swami Bhaskarananda Sarasvati (President of Citrakut Ashram Vrndavan)
Highlights- Three days Nagar Kiirtan was organised, Last day it was very inspiring as it was conducted with band party.
Tandava, kausiiki an asna competition of the Margiis and publics. Print and electronic media covered the programme.

2. Mujaffarnagar
Date 22,23,24 June
Trainer Ac Siddhayogananda Avt
Attendance 57
Akhand Kiirtan and Nagar kiirtan was also organised.

Note- Below level Seminar was conducted in Haridwar on 20,21,22 July, with 89 attendance. CD Sastri ji was a organiser of the programme and DS Meerut at haridwar was the trainer of the Seminar.

3. Ayodhya
Date 6,7, 8 July
Trainer Ac Nirmeghananda Avt
Attendance 81
Street corner meeting
Press conference
Akhand Kiirtan, Nagar Kiirtan and Sobhayatra were also organized.
Initiation -21
Follow up- 10

4. Pratapgarh
Date 13,14,15 July
Trainer Ac Nirmeghananda Avt
Attendance 75
Three meetings were held at different places.
Prabhat samgiita classes was conducted.
Akhand Kiirtan and Nagar kiirtan was organized daily.
Total new Initiation 15 and Follow up 5.

(Note- There was a special programme in Allahabad University on 17, 18 and 19 June where Ac Raganugananda Avt addressed the students and 24 students were initiated.)


1. Thanedar(Simla)
Date 22,23,24 June
Trainer Ac Priyatoshananda Avt
Attendance 45
RS Chandigarh and Sri Pratap Jista were present and actively participated in the programme.
Five persons learnt Sadhana.

2. Doda (Jammu & Kashmir)
Date 29,30, 1 July
Trainer Ac Priyatoshananda Avt
Attendance 90
Symposium and press conference held.
Initiation 22

3. Ludhiyana
Date 6,7,8 July
Trainer Ac Satyashrayananda avt
Attendance 37
Newspaper Punjab covered the news almost every day.

4. Delhi
Date 13,14,15 July
Trainer Ac Satyashrayananda Avt
Attendance 104
Akhand kiirtan was organised.
Seven new people got Initiated and five followup was done.


1. Ahemadabad
Date 22,23,24 June
Trainer Ac Yuktatmananda Avt
Attendance 38

2. Vikaner
Date 13,14,15 July
Trainer Ac Yuktatmananda Avt
Attendance 50
Press conference was held. Media gave coverage all three days.
Initiation 9


1. Nagpur
Date 22,23, 24 June
Trainer Ac Nabhatiitananda Avt
Attendance 49
News coverage
Akhand Kiirtan and nagar kiirtan was orgnised daily.
City channel covered the programme.

2. Mumbai
Date 29,30,31 july
Trainer Ac Nabhatiitananda Avt
Attendance 77
Akhand kiirtan was held.
External programme were not possible to be conducted due to heavy rain and flood in city.

Date 6,7,8 July
Trainer Ac Nabhatiitananda Avt
Attendance 49
Narayan seva, 141 served
City channel gave coverage.
Akhand kiirtan was organized.

4. Rajmundry
Date 13,14,15 July
Trainer Ac Nabhatiitananda Avt
Attendance 42
Narayan Seva and Akhand kiirtan was organized.
One Grha Pravesh was also conducted.


1. Coimbatore
Date 29,30 June and 1st July
Traner Ac Krpananda Avt
Attendance 55
Akhand kiirtan was organised,
In a special occasion students of Yoga institute, Pondicherry demonstrated the Yogasanas in front of the participants.

2. Kalikat
Date 6, 7, 8 July
Trainer Ac Krpananda Avt
Attendance 65
Asanas competition held and prize distributed to the winners.

3. Kolar
Date 22, 23, 24 June
Trainer Ac Paramananda Avt
Attendance 35

4. Goa
Date 29, 30 and 1st August\
Trainer Ac Paramananda Avt
Attendance 30

5. Vellor
Date 13, 14, 15 July
Trainer Ac Ramanujananda Avt
Attendance 45


1. Haflong (Shilong Circle)
Date 29,30,1 July
Trainer Ac Navarunananda Avt
Highlights- Ananda Marga was invited for the solution of crisis concerning terrorism. Neo humanistic approach was presented.
Family Acarya, Ac BC Langthasa actively organized the programme.

In Hospital (NC Hills), there was an unclaimed child and Ananda Marga adopted the child.

NC Hills, is researching on bamboo seeds since 30 years. Ananda Marga has procured and taken the programme for Ananda Nagar, Orissa, Rarh and Jharkhand.
Beloved Baba has told about this and called it Vansalochan. It is of rare verity.

Date 4,5,6 July
Trainer Ac Navarunananda Avt
Attendance 35
Akhand Kiirtan was organized.
Media has also given coverage.
Margiis got very inspired.

Date 4,5,6 July
Trainer Ac Navarunananda Avt
Attendance 44
Akhand Kiirtan and Narayan Seva was organized.

Good News- Medanapur (Kolkata)
Massanjore dam opened the water, which entered in DVC, so DVC also opened the water, which flooded the Medanapur. Ananda Marga distributed food, cloths etc and served the people. LFT (DPS) Vaneshvar reached the spot and sincerely provided relief.


In Him
Acarya Rudrananda Avadhuta
Public Relations Department (Central)
Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha