Acarya Shubhacetanananda Avadhuta, Chief Secretary of PROUT. Dada visited for the first time Miami, FL. Dada Shubhacetanananda gave lectures on the following topics: The Science of Meditation, Mantra with Cakra Meditation, The Yoga Postures and Their Effects on the Glands/Cakras, The Success in Meditation through Universal Cardinal Principles, Neohumanism, and Socio-Economic Philosophy PROUT: Solution for the current problems. Dada gave lecture in Miami Dade College(MDC) for three hours. Dada taught basic asanas and Kaosikii dance after his lecture.
Acarya Shubhacetanananda Avadhuta, Chief Secretary of PROUT. Dada visited for the first time Miami, FL. Dada Shubhacetanananda gave lectures on the following topics: The Science of Meditation, Mantra with Cakra Meditation, The Yoga Postures and Their Effects on the Glands/Cakras, The Success in Meditation through Universal Cardinal Principles, Neohumanism, and Socio-Economic Philosophy PROUT: Solution for the current problems. Dada gave lecture in Miami Dade College(MDC) for three hours. Dada taught basic asanas and Kaosikii dance after his lecture. Mass Initiation was given to all of the faculty and students.
Dada gave lecture about Astaunga Yoga in Wellness Center of Florida International university Miami on 20th, 21st, and 26th March. Dada gave mass initiation to 20 people. Dada taught asanas and Kaoshiki. Questions were answered also. In Miami Library yoga lecture was well attended. Dada gave lecture and asana, Kaoshiki, and Tandava class. After the class dada lead meditation class and gave mass initiation to 15 people. Dada explained Ananda marga Meditation system in the North Miami Beach Library which was attended by 25 people. 25 people were taught nama mantra by dada. There was a dharmacakra in Ranjiita and Sudhindra’s house. vegetarian meal was served to new people. Four new people attended dc. Sister samita organized Dharmacakra and vegetarian dinner in her house which was attended by 15 people. A Yoga teacher was initiated.
Dada attended Dharmacakra of Tampa unit on Sunday 25th March and told story which Acarya Chandranath dada said to dada. Margiis gave Shraddhanjali to Acarya Chandranath dada. It was very busy pracar program which was successful in Miami, FL.